Q&A with Legal Assistant, Tricia Alley


1. What’s a proud moment you’ve had as a woman in your career?

  1. Every day of my 42 year career with law firms in many cities across the USA, there were many times I felt proud. Communication and relationships are key to being a legal secretary, as it is a critical job in that every day is a rotation of prioritizing and reprioritizing. You have to possess excellent judgment to make dozens of decisions.


2. What does Women’s History Month mean to you personally and professionally?

It gives us older women to empower young girls with self esteem and courage, and to be able to carry on traditions. Professionally, this month gives us women the knowledge of all fields, achievements and accomplishments celebrating female colleagues in the workplaces.


3. If you had a billboard to share one message with the world, what would it say?

  1. Be kind and smile, it could change someone’s day.


  1. 4. Who’s your biggest female role model – real or fictional?

My daughter. I might have had something to do with a tiny bit of it. However, her support, values, beliefs (diversity, identity, health and education), as well as behavior, knows no bounds. She has worked so hard to become whom she always wanted to be. Her challenges and conflicts she has had to overcome were solved calmly, keeping a positive attitude, seeking any kind of research to continue to be productive to handle it.

4. What’s a workplace superpower every woman should have?

Empathy, collaboration and having strong interpersonal skills have/will help with all relationships in a law firm.