Warren Thomas Elected Principal
Warren is promoted from associate to partner.
Warren is promoted from associate to partner.
MCC was ranked in IP in Best Law Firm’s 2019 guide.
Chris Glass and Trey Levie are now principals at MCC.
Tony Askew, John Harbin, Lisa Pavento and Steve Schaetzel selected as Best Lawyers.
Coca-Cola might not receive federal trademark registration for its “ZERO” brand of products.
MCC defends client in IP litigation and receives an award of incurred legal fees.
Chris Curfman featured in the Daily Report’s story, “An Introverted Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing.”
Jonathan Waldman joins MCC.
Published article appeared in the Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property.
MCC hosts an INTA roundtable on “Trademark Due Diligence and Trademark Transactions.”