Litigation Practice and Attorneys Receive Accolades in Chambers USA
Firm News
The firm was ranked as a top IP firm in Georgia by Chambers USA.
The firm was ranked as a top IP firm in Georgia by Chambers USA.
Law360 discusses Code Revision Commission el al v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc.
Brian Johnson joins the firm as Of Counsel.
Katie Bates joins MCC as Of Counsel.
Tony Askew, John Harbin, David Moreland, Steve Schaetzel and Katie Bates are listed in Georgia Super Lawyers 2016.
Meunier Carlin & Curfman LLC is pleased to announce the election of Meredith Struby to its partnership effective January 1, 2016. Meredith is a practicing patent attorney with over 12 years of experience focusing on mechanical, medical device, and computer/software technologies. Additionally, Meredith has a burgeoning automotive practice, where she represents automotive suppliers in a […]
Emory Magazine interviewed Chris Curfman regarding alternative careers for graduate students.
Meunier Carlin & Curfman receives high ranks in Best Law Firms.
John provides a comparative analysis of trade secret law in the U.S., Europe, the BRIC countries and Japan.
Lisa Pavento joins INTA’s Copyright Committee.