Firm News
AIPPI-US Appoints Andrew Meunier as Secretary
November 10, 2010
ATLANTA – Meunier, Carlin & Curfman, LLC is pleased to announce that Founding Principal Andrew (“Drew”) Meunier has been appointed Secretary to the U.S. National Group of AIPPI (“AIPPI-US”). AIPPI is an 8,000 member international organization devoted to the worldwide protection of intellectual property rights and the elimination of unfair trade practices. Mr. Meunier will serve a two-year term, which commenced with the AIPPI-US Annual Meeting and International IP Forum, held earlier this week in Chicago.
As an IP attorney with a significant international practice, Mr. Meunier has a long history with AIPPI and AIPPI-US. He served on AIPPI’s U.S. Executive Committee from 2005-2010 and provided leadership as the Secretary for the International Committee related to Working Question Q189 (Amendment of Patent Claims after Grant) at the 2006 AIPPI Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden. Mr. Meunier has also contributed to the U.S. responses to Working Question Q209 (Selection Inventions – the Inventive Step Requirement, Other Patentability Criteria and Scope of Protection) at the 2009 AIPPI ExCo Meeting and Working Question Q213 (The Person Skilled in the Art in the Context of the Inventive Step Requirement in Patent Law) at the 2010 AIPPI Congress.
Earlier this year, Mr. Meunier co-founded the IP law firm of Meunier, Carlin and Curfman, LLC. The firm serves corporate, institutional and university clients seeking big-firm experience and technical expertise along with the flexibility and value offered by a smaller specialty practice.